Karl Johnsson

Karl Johnsson Karl Johnsson was born on May 12, 1979 in Örebro, Sweden, but has been living in Lidingö (near Stockholm) all his life. He has recently completed his studies at the gymnasium (senior high school), where he studied natural sciences. His favourite subject has always been mathematics. Kalle is currently enlisted for the military service, after which he plans to go on with his studies. In his spare time he loves to read the comics (his special favourite is Donald Duck) and he's also the member of "Seriefrämjandet" and "NAFS(k)".

As a teenager Kalle got interested in classical music after watching the movie "Amadeus". He began to take piano lessons at the age of 17 and became acquainted with ragtime at about the same time. Later he tried his hand at sequencing a few ragtime MIDI files on his computer and has been very kind to share them via this webpage. In 1996 he got in touch with Max Morath and got his permission to midify his rags. He has sequenced the "Cripple Creek" suite, which is now available on this site.

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